Industrial Painting & Epoxy Flooring

Industrial Painting & Epoxy Flooring

Keep your facility clean and up to code with fresh paint!

At ShepCo, we understand that keeping your industrial space clean and safe is a top priority, and that can be a challenging one. Our crews are quick, quiet and get the job done with minimal disruption to your daily workflows. Close relationships with our material providers, such as Sherwin Williams, ensure that the best materials are being used for the work you need. 
Epoxy flooring is often required for safety!
ShepCo also specializes in providing epoxy floors or specialty floor coatings. Epoxy floors are clean, bright and most importantly, SAFE. They are often required in industrial spaces that need to withstand a multitude of conditional circumstances such as chemicals, oil, etc. over a long period of time. In addition, these durable, reliable coatings can be combined with paints for custom color. 

Some of the industrial items that require fresh paint on a regular basis include:

  • Waste, water, chemical and other industrial piping (color coding is often required and can provide an added level of safety to your facility)
  • Machines
  • Safety rails, ramps and bollards
  • Designated areas such as driveways and walkways

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